Thursday, March 7, 2013

Helluva 24 Hours

Well, it's been a helluva 24 hours for me. 

As a family (my Mom, my brother, my sister-in-law, and my niece) we are going to go to Disney World for a week in mid-June. We just told my niece last night over Skype at 5:30. She's ecstatic. 

After that I went to the spa for a relaxing float.  

On the way home, at 8pm, a taxi driver ran a red light and t-boned my car. I think I'm ok. It was a big shock. So many nice people stayed with me, called 911, made sure that taxi driver stayed and gave his insurance information and the police came and they got all the taxi driver's information and 3 of the witnesses gave their names and phone numbers and told the police that the taxi was at fault. Keith came and got me. We took everything out of my car and then they towed my car. I have a feeling it'll be the last time I ever drive that car. It was a great car for me for the last 15 years. There was broken glass everywhere. Amazingly I wasn't cut at all. I have some soreness on my left side where the car bent in towards me. Mostly I think I'm still just in shock.

Then in other news, on the morning of February 16th I found a lump in my breast. I went to the doctor on the 20th. She examined me and she said she thought it was probably just a cyst but that the protocol is for me to go get a mammogram and an ultrasound. The first appt that radiology had available was March 7th, today. So I went today. Jen was an amazing friend and she went with me for moral support. I had the mammogram and then I had the ultrasound. After the ultrasound the doctor told me that it is not a cyst. They don't know what it is but they are concerned. They sent me for an expedited Fine Needle biopsy. So I went over to do that. The doctor there took a fine needle and then inserted it into my lump and moved it around a little bit and got a specimen. It didn't hurt much. About the same as giving blood. She said they'll get the lab results on Monday and then my primary care doctor will call me. She also said that just because it's not a cyst doesn't mean that it's cancer. It could be a fibroadenoma or something else. Guess I'll find out on Monday. 

So I just filed my car accident claim. I'm at home now and feeling a little overwhelmed and mostly I just want to rest. I haven't really been up for much talking. I called my Mom and asked her to call my Aunt. I called and told my Dad and asked him to tell my other Aunt. I talked to my brother for a little bit. It's been a crazy ordeal and now I just want to watch some tv. 

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